Tuesday, 4 October 2011

What! The L ....?

If I had needed an alphabetical hook on which to hang today's commentary I would have need look no further than Lead Legs and Lethargy. You'd have thought that after 4 days I'd have got the post-walk stretch and the sleep patterns down to a tee but evidently something didn't quite go to plan and today, from the outset, I could tell it was going to be a toughie. It was a shame actually since we had fewer miles to cover and the weather was far better suited to an up-hill, down-dale itinerary - in theory therefore, an easier day. Nevertheless, here we are in Kings Stanley, tired, but tomorrow is another day.

And anyway, I didn't need any help with my thoughts for today - L was already decided. Today I was walking for Lynne. We even decided to take the longer scenic route over Selsey Common into 'base'. Despite being more than a little weary, the way I looked at it, if she had needed a kidney I'd have donated one. Somehow it seemed appropriate, therefore, however sore MY feet were today, to walk the extra mile. Lynne is my sister. I've just heard that all went well and recovery can now begin.

Today was memorable in other ways too. M marked a milestone - we reached the Midway point. From here on in we have fewer miles in front of us than behind. If I'd have had it my way there would have been a big fat chalk line across the path to mark it properly but that was never going to happen. As it was, for a period of about 3 miles I drove Stephen mad continuously asking if it was marked on the map or whether he felt we'd passed IT. In the end, I decided for myself that the top of Haresfield Beacon was as good a place as any to mark the moment and set the auto-timer on my camera to record our achievement.

Long day tomorrow....


  1. Woohoo, down hill all the way now! Hope you're taking lots more photos :)

  2. Congratulations on reaching the mid-way point. Onwards and downwards from now on. (P.S. Hope you've both got licences for those legs!!!)
    Good luck

  3. Blooming marvellous. Great walk; great blog and great cause.
